About the Ventimiglia’s

I am an American high tech executive on an expat assignment in Hyderabad, India with my wife (Laura) and 3 children (Benjamin, Abigail and Aidan.) The purpose of this blog is to document and share our experiences as we embark on this incredible adventure.

Phil Ventimiglia

2 thoughts on “About the Ventimiglia’s

  1. Hi Guys: I just caught up with your several chapters. From the other feedback, I am sure you appreciate how great an idea this was. Can I suggest that you have Abbie join with Ben in contributing regularly.

    Miss you all!

  2. Hi Phil, I came across your blog accidentally while searching for other information. You know what, I have spent almost three hours reading all your blogs content and knowing my birth land more from views and perspectives of a visitor who stayed in India for two years. Phil the way you understood this country both geographically and politically is outstanding. I am living in Hyderabad from my birth and the way you projected in your words is spellbinding. Your three kids Benjamin, Abigail and Aidan might have carried a treasure of memories of India with them. I am sure that they are going to come back again to India to explore more once they grow little older. Few things and statements I loved in your blog.

    1. People finding difficulty to spell you last name .
    2. Boy can be taken from India but not India from boy.
    3. Places you have explored, and with families you made bonding (Kerala & Rajasthan).

    Convey my best wishes to your beautiful family and tell them that there is another Hyderabadi who loves your family.
    -Ravinder Vemula

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